
Why is it secret?

I've decided to fully embrace being a weirdo. so I'm going to start working from home.


That's how I felt taking Algebra I my senior year of high school.

I could make a list, but it would consist of a mixed bucket bought at a yard sale, one thirteen year old Bionicle set, three Animorph figures, and a two foot tall Spiderman piggy bank from Tijuana.

It sounds like The OC, though you shouldn't call it that.

They were hunter/gatherer nomads until about 200 BC, when they formed the Xiongnu Empire to fight off incursions made by the Chinese Han dynasty.

The first time I went to Ferguson was last summer. Ariel's dad was showing me the ropes of the bread world, but a recent tornado had impacted the supply, so there wasn't much to do. Over the course of the summer, I was there, and in Hazelwood, and in Florrisant every day. Ferguson isn't a perfect town. I was pulled

All time is sugar with a soft center and crispy edges, or a white chocolate macadamia if I only have one.

He's Bin Laden in Zero Dark Thirty, right?

I know what you mean by Wilson's riffing since I've seen it, but the idea of her breaking into ten minute homophobic tirades is tickling me.

Even the fourth one?

I keep my hands warm Mary Katherine Gallagher style, so I had her start on a scarf.

I'm now three episodes into Planetes, and in some small moments it captures a tone reminiscent of the first few seasons of The Office, except, you know, in microgravity. The boring part of my brain (which is my personal favorite) really loves how plausible the technology looks 40 years from now. The main character

Ariel learned to knit today. She's already mediocre at it. I'm quite proud.

To answer your question, no.

Well, my van's battery died this morning, so I had to walk to Sears to get a charger, then I charged it, then I started cleaning, because we're having a Thanksgiving thing tomorrow.

The best kind of correct.

That's a real shame.

I have no clue what this means, but I hope it means that Marry Me is good.