
*Inspired by Spongy's adventures with a UTI.

I know kidney-focused street fighting sounds like a good idea, but the bloody, painful urination is just not worth it.

I still have high hopes for a good Ubik, but who knows when that will happen.

Didn't you see a new one this year? Guardians or something?

Tilda Swinton proves yet again that she is the best.

lol gross

I drove through Texas in February. I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy.

I still have trouble wrapping my head around the fact that a movie about giant things punching each other can be dramatically inert.

Cave of Forgotten Dreams is magnificent, and there will be no argument to the contrary.

Man of Steel was about 5 times better than Godzilla.

We got our first batch of it today, too.

It manages to best My Immortal, which is no small feat.

I want to check out Bleach and Naruto and One Piece if only to see what the fuss is, but those episode counts make my brain short circuit.

I also looked through a few lists, and I was pretty shocked by the general omission of Yu Yu Hakusho, which aside from being perfect shonen, captures a great sort of optimistic nihilism that was sort of popular in the 90's.


Also, as an addendum, FLCL makes a TON more sense after watching Evangelion.

Cabin in the Woods anthology kind of thing would be pretty good.

I've been on an anime kick lately, give me good anime to watch.

There's practically nothing better than traintop fights.

I also saw it yesterday or so. It was pretty good.