
I watched the first season, but i have hundreds of hours of tv to catch up on at this point.

-Hank Kingsley

Honestly, I haven't been too interested in music since Smash Mouth left the game.

How Can Mirrors Be Real If Vampires Aren't Real?


Something about its rhythm is indelible.

That was my first thought.

As a fan of Soderbergh and prestige/period dramas, why am I still not very interested in this?

That's actually exactly how language works.

It's somewhat selective.

Also, their pool games are laughable.

What the fuck?

Plus the horrifying amounts of spam.


Mine is also very patchy, but I grow it out anyways, because nature isn't the boss of me.

Mark RonDonnaWicz

I thought Lee Pace was having a good time, and it translated well to screen.

Starting late first season.

You should kill her.

He wasn't Zero Dark Thirty, but he sure as hell wasn't Andy.