

Your description of Bradley Cooper made me laugh.

August movie ranking:
1. Guardians of the Galaxy

My brother-in-law practices that.

I'm going to see it today, don't waste your wish.

Sabellianism. The Trinity's not real, y'all.

I played a drinking game last night. We were watching Tin Man, Sci Fi's gritty Wizard of Oz reboot starring Zooey Deschanel, and they were saying "the O Z", to which I always instinctively reply "Don't call it that." So anyways, I ended up taking a shot for every "O Z", and I'm laid out after an episode or two.

Yay, yay!

Funny Games isn't bad. It says what it wanted to say effectively. The fact that it wanted to put across a dumb, banal, obvious point is incidental.

How was it?

Moe's is better.

Talladega Nights is hilarious.

It employs juvenile and hyper callous humor frequently. I like it.

I loved Viewtiful Joe. I had the port, though.

Pikmin was my shit for a while there.

Say what you will about Roobles, at least he has an ethos.

Wait, are you telling me you're not a real fictional character?

I kind of loved it when it came out. A dude gets cut in half.

It's probably just temporary, I should be able to shave it down a bunch in the next few months.

I worked back to back 12 hour days this past weekend.