
I was going to start Mass Effect 1, but then I realized I had the 360 version.

Playing Red Dead Redemption until Tags wakes up so I can get the HBO Go password.

Apparently, season 16 is where I stopped watching The Simpsons regularly.

A year is a long time.


Yeah, it was chopped down to maybe 15 minutes here.

It looked like a bird leg to me.

She said, dressed in armor and holding a rubber chicken.

Clearly, he just had a pregnancy craving for a G.I. Joe episode.

A Living Lass!?!


The other day, I had a similar in spirit idea of a cop being assigned to the aftermath of a slasher movie. I find the mundane very funny.

Hot, hot, hot.


Dibs on G.I. Joe.

hsppy bithbbsu, roobdr!! i love kop.

Can't lose.

He used to be a juggler.

Fixed it.

Yeah, I'm looking at the syntax.