
You nailed it.

Hannibal is the only show on television that can consistently make me say "holy shit" aloud every episode.

I don't think my brownie's working.

Hannibal is a truly, truly bad movie. I give it two stars only because Ray Liotta made me laugh, which temporarily relieved the anger and frustration I'd been feeling for the last two hours.

Exit Through the Gift Shop is the Room 237 of 2010.

I sort of recall them piecing it out on Youtube last year.

You explained it quite well, but the link's dead.

Not while Zardoz exists.

Mine's working, but it's a bit slow.

Who's your Mecha-Soderbergh?

That happens.

In a few seasons they'll be writing and producing dozens of episodes per day.

It is.

I would like to see what a really fancy killing spree would look like. Probably close to Hannibal.

No, but I have fallen through a fence.

Me too.

I shot six different guns the other day. I like guns in the abstract action movie kind of way, but I'm also kind of hesitant to be around them.

Sounds like John Jay Smith.

I did.