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Fun fact: Fred Armisen did his pitch-perfect Penny Marshall impression for this memoir’s official book trailer. In it, Penny answers a phone call from Carrie.

My fantasy lunch date would have been with these two women, plus Tina Fey and the late Nora Ephron. With Nora cooking.

For me, that’s how I know if the acid’s any good.

It’s always a decent idea to have the phone number for the National Lawyer’s Guild (the NLG) with you at a large march, just in case. It’s extremely unlikely to be necessary but having it might mean the difference between waiting hours in jail and waiting a day or more.

This type of energy is good for Democrats and must be channeled for grassroots organizing in opposing Trump’s agenda, the 2018 midterms and in local races across the country. Now that the Republicans are in complete control (as they were last decade), it’s time to give them a taste of their own medicine.

That’s what anyone struggling to read looks like

How would you describe Billy Bush?

Specifically, it’s good that she’s suing.

Just an angry, scared little man with a gun.

If I were on the jury, I’d award her ten million after watching the video. There was zero professionalism there. Just an angry, scared little man with a gun.

LaToya knows what’s up.

I remember her from the first season of civilian Apprentice. Omarosa was arguing with a teammate who, at one point, said, “That’s the pot calling the kettle black.” Omarosa accused the other woman of being racist because...she used the word black? After the episode aired or she was fired, she gave several interviews


Jenny McCarthy needs to shut the fuck up. About a great many topics.

...Dolan responded that he hadn’t seen hate from anyone on the pro-Trump side

Performing for Trump’s inauguration is absolutely seen as an endorsement of Trump and the way he talks about and treats women. Trump himself will say as much when they show up and perform. Remember, they are being coerced into performing for a narcissist who thinks everything is about him.

Why should SHE have to give up her career? I imagine it’s very difficult for dancers to find good work, let alone as a Rockette. I think that all Rockettes should be free to decline the work and not face any retaliation for doing so. I think pressure is being put on them that they will face serious consequences if

Obligatory response right back to them:

My advice: If your religion is causing you to spew out words of hate, judge, or look down on others because of who one loves then you need to change it. And fast.

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It’s official. The Bachelor has turned into Burning Love, except without the irony.