Crazy Uncle Nikola

Apprently Langston’s white voice was an uncredited crew member from the sound department. I my self had thought it sounded like a Tom Kenny voice.

Its definetly copywritten, its more a case on who owns that copywrite, and that depends on the contract which more then likely states that Bethesda Softworks owns anything associated with Fallout Shelter.

You win the internet for today.

I actually didnt have too much trouble learning things. It seems a bit on the simplistic side and the game does hold your hand a bit.

Nintendo limited the amount of releases per yearto 5 which led to companies like Konami starting Ultra Games for the sole purpose of releasing more games.

I’m not sure how to feel about this, on one hand its good that she’s open about it and did it to feel better about herself, on the other hand society basically  presured her to conform to their of beauty.

“Let’s just hope, though, that the Rangers’ future isn’t just limited to churning out a bunch of toys.”

I think that was the original intention, I think I remember he only intended to be there like a year or something because they wanted someone younger.

Lol I probably do have pockets that coukd fit a whole Switch in them. Disasembling them just fits more standard pockets.

Ive heard the cardboard isnt cheap, and is pretty sturdy and very hard to actually tear.

This trend needs to stay dead an buried

I have removed the Joycons and put the system and joycons in seperate pockets. Not the most practical solution but it works if needed. Its more of a backpack portable then a pocket portable.

I would imagine that being possible because it wasnt changing too much from the previous game. I cant see that being done with any of the other games after that save Rogue and Liberation.

Easily. Its worth the full price as well.

To be fair the only reason the copper was not found for 5 years was because nobody thought to look on Ludus. Once people thought to look there it was found easily.

The fact that you think acting is standing around talking is laughable. Ill leave it at that. Read a few biographies and listen to the commentary and get back to me. Ill just say that amount of money doesnt make the job more appealing with what I know what being an A list actor entails. Also the fact that a some

Havnt had much major issues with mine. Only issue I had was the games ont regonizing DLC installed when I switched over to the X. Reinstalling everything fixed it.

It isnt really a normal crowdfunding thing though. Its essentially a preorder program on something that would be considered commercially risky. Its a huge expensive toy that likely has a limited market.

Shouldnt be. Tv Nihon wont pull their subs unless it gets an actual release in the US. A Power Rangers Adaptation wont make them pull it. I belive Over-time subbed it as well and will only pull it for the same reasons. Might have difficulty with seeding. Check both subbers out. They should have the torrent links up.

Chip Lynn the current showrunner was the showrunner on the back half of RPM. He probably wrote some episodes too. Its not confirmed yet whether he will be showrunner for this, but it’s expected.