Crazy Uncle Nikola

Judging by the Japanese footage it wont have Giant monsters either, but the enemies will have a corresponding giant robot that will acompany a monster. Many times before said monster is destroyed making the team split up. The zords are designed to be used independantly from each other. In Go-busters the main

The idea of the A.I infecting the morphing grid does line up with the end of RPM. Though this could just be a plot point to justify the enemy using Zords instead of giant monsters and would explain the evil Red Ranger at the end.

Den of Geek ran an article breaking down each adaptation.

X-men are part of 20th century Fox. Which will be sold to Disney. Deadpool 2, X-men Dark Phoenix, and The New Mutants will all be out before the deal is finalized and approved by the FTC. At that time Disney will have control of thos properties. Other pending movies such as X-force and the stand alone x-23 movie are

I think he would have been better as Flash Thompson Venom.

You mention Prince of Persia, but you forget that the screen writer was the guy who fucking created Prince of Persia. So your point is moot.

While it may encourage people to use more then they need, its probably not as bad as it looks since some of those rolls will likely sit there for awhile.


“The situation wouldn’t have existed if the police were trained to fire only after being fire upon, rather than to fire if they feel ‘scared’”

Shame on you

This account is probably a bot anyways.

I have had issues with games reconizing DLC on my external HDD since I switched to the X so I have had to redownload somegames everytime I want to start playing a new game I hadnt played yet on my X.

Im sure that was done than once

Pretty sure he was still there for Super Megaforce.

I think the biggest thing Samurai did was highlight just how weak Shinkenger’s actual story is. By itself its no better than what we got from Samurai for the most part aside from maybe the Akumaro arc which was pretty good and Samurai wasnt much worse at adapting that. Where Shinkenger shined and where Samurai failed

I think they are refering to day one. The Negative publicity absolutly killed MS early on. The system is actually pretty good now but that early 5% has negated anything Microsoft has done since.  The PS4 had almost nothing going for it at launch other than it not being an Xbox One, had Microsoft handled things better


He was referring to specifically the Nintendo ones. The possibilty of getting ports of the two Mario Kart GP Arcade games is exciting.

Would love to see Mario Kart GP 1 and 2 released as part of this

Sestero has defended him at times. He will admit to a lot of his faults. For a time he did question why he put up with the guy as a friend, but admits that Tommy did a lot to motivate him and such.