Crazy Uncle Nikola

Wouldnt Power Girl be at least one of those 53 Karas.

Harry said there were 53 Karas which makes me think Krypton-1 is still intact and Kara and Kal-el are there instead of earth.

Im assuming that there is no earth 1 Clark only Kal-El. Im gonna assume Krypton still exist in that universe. Harry mentions theres 53 Karas which means Earth 1 has one but there seems to be no Supergirl or Superman so I assume they arent on earth.

Its still running on PS4 though

Its been stated that they would rather put resouces into new projects as it would be a larger undertaking to update the older games. Skyrim was easy because it was using the same engine as Fallout 4. Skyrim was even ported to newer systems just so they could learn how the engine worked on them. Oblivion is running on

Am I the only one who noticed the screenshot is from the Forgotten City mod

It sold out of 1600 units. For one you’d acrually have to have more units available to surpass those numbers in general at least

It really depends. It took Shout! factory 2-3 years to sell out of their 2000 units of The Power Rangers Legacy DVD collection. It originally sold for $650 but only sold out after multiple price drops down to about $200.

Halo has or at least had a bit of a cult following there to the point that at least one of the games was a top seller, but Im surprised Microsoft even bothered to release this one. 1,600 units is actually pretty good for an extremely niche system. Its Niche enough in the US.

They already are

Static was suppose to be in this game but supposedly got cut for rights issues. 

Well I gave up defending it awhile ago.

Its also pretty obvious in season two. First Walter Jones Thuy Trang and Austin St John walked out of ADR so they were forced to dub them with other people that sounded nothing like them. At least the guy doubling for ASJ appeared like he was trying to sound like him. Eventually they were let go so for several

The SFANS is overpriced, It will sell for more than the original dock at retail. Just get a CF001 for $30, its pretty much the same hardware but half the price. They basically are taking the CF001 and stuffing it in their own case.

Pretty sure the opposite has been said, though the question is, is that actually the case.

Well Roger Ebert gave Gigli 3 stars.

Ill still defend thise movies as okay movies with really bad dialogue. I am pretty forgiving and can name all the movies I was utterly dissapounted with after seeing them in theaters on my fingers

I still dont get the hate for it, not saying its a phenominal movie oreven a great movie. It has its issues but I dont think its nearly the turd people think it is I have yet to see the extended which I heard deals with the faults, mainly the mess that was Lex Luthor. I still shake my head everytime people think

Can’t be any worse than the Japanese live action adaptation that Kotaku called “So cliched it hurts”

Pretty sure they meant more underground as in Tattoo shops will no longer operate in the open. If you want a tattoo you would have to know where someone is tattooing instead of going into a shop. Tattoos are taboo in Japan but that doesnt prevent shops from opperating in the open.