Crazy Uncle Nikola

Pretty sure they meant more underground as in Tattoo shops will no longer operate in the open. If you want a tattoo you would have to know where someone is tattooing instead of going into a shop. Tattoos are taboo in Japan but that doesnt prevent shops from opperating in the open.

I remember Satoru Iwata saying at GDC several years ago, the bussiness has moved more to a specialists capacity vs. a Jack of all trades deal. Back when he was still making games you had one person who could do multiple things, but now you have a person who can only do one thing leading to larger staffs, and this was

Jason, would you say that Independent developers like CDProjekt Red are more likely to offer free small DLC because there is a much smaller overhead then a large AAA publisher.

Found Some Asshole’s Kinja account!!!

Price may not be an indicator of fakery, uness its significantly lower than what it’s actually selling for. Someare just dirt cheap to begin with due to demand. Tamashii’s S.H. Figuarts Super Sentai line tend to fall into that outside a handful of figures and Bandai Web Exclusives. The Akibaranger figures are probably

I assume but that would make it unlicsened not counterfeit since plenty of Liscened cabinets have MAME emulators. Unless they are putting actual fake copies of the games. Like games that arent the actual games but cheap clones.

Not sure I am correct but since these are third party marketplace items wouldnt the price of these be out of the devs hand

It really depends on what stuff you like. Both lines have few liscences on both sides. I believe both have Bruce Lee figures, but thats about it, I have more Figuarts than figmas mainly due to the super Sentai collection I have.

I work for a non profit. He has every right to keep it. It would be nice but its not gonna hurt him. My company probably gets that in bulk cloth every month.

It’s all about demand. It depends on what collectors are willing to pay. Rick Harrison of Pawn Stars constantly says “Just because it’s rare doesnt mean it’s valuble” and that’s pretty true.

They did the same thing with the DS. The GBA was supported for a year after the DS.

International Copywrite laws pretty much aren’t reconized in China or at least not really enforced. This shit is pretty common. This is why some chinese bootleg DVDs look pretty profesional because it’s not some guy ripping movies onto DVDs, actual chinese media companies will release unliscened DVDs often with badly

Is Action Jack Barker involved in this?

That’s probably why Bethesda came up with Creation Club. Though Creation Club sounds less like paid mods and more like outsourced DLC.

Thats far better than what we have currently with mods. Ive had way more crashing with mods than without if this can rnsure compatibility Im in Ive list count how many tines I kept resetting fallout 4.


6 games, plus a bunch of spinoffs

If that happens, you can blame the people bitching about paying $10 for Super Mario Run instead of being nickle and dimed.

People forget most consoles have anmiec line ups at launch, maybe not nearly this anemic.

Are the worlds any bigger or are they like the 360/ ps3/ vita/ wiiu version.