Crazy Uncle Nikola

Sarcasm. I obviously meant Force Unleased, we are taking about Lucasarts. Why would I randomly bring up The Force Awakens?

Bribes? he didn’t get that shit until after he returned it. He had no way of knowing he would get that stuff. He just didnt want to potentially be sued, and dont pretend that wasnt a possibility, in order to justify your comment.

The bendu or the one in between is pretty much a grey force user neither dark nor light. Maybe not a grey Jedi but a grey force users.

Grey jedi have already been used in the new canon. Primarily the bendu in Rebels

The grey force or bendu are in the middle. Neither dark or light. Though it can simply just mean a light side jedi who doesnt follow the jedi code.

My take is that Anakin was the one to bring balence to the force, Luke is the one to keep it.

Now playing

Probably. This guys seems to have predicted it.

Now playing

This video goes into great detail on why luke said that. Luke has discovered a lot about the jedi order and why it failed and he failed. It goes into a lot of detail on The whills and the history of the jedi and sith, that they were basically outcasts from and older order. It pretty interesting. It suggests Luke will

No I clearly mean The Force Awakens. Why would I possibly mean The Force Unleased.

Lucasarts was being run into the ground by poor managment It was a shinking ship by the time Disney got its hand on them. 1313 likely would have been an overhyped mediocre to good game much like The Force Awakens. It was a desperate attempt to save the company had 1313 underperformed the company might have folded.

The car is not an ambiturner.

So Im one of those who had mine stuck in shipping now Limbo. At about 9 a clock I recived a shipping notice that my unit should arrive today. I had contacted customer support. They were very helpful and stated that my paticular order which also included my breath of the wild game had been delayed by the carrier and

My Switch has finaly shipped and is scedulwd to be delivered on Saturday.

It does not. I ordered day one

Maybe you can entertain yourself by putting the cart in your mouth. No. I tried.

Not so much having to wait then it is being told its coming on a certain day and doesn’t.

Mines still listed as shipping now with an 8pm arrival has been since yesterday. I am located about 20 miles from the nearesy distrobutiim center so its entirely possible they could be bring in directly by 8pm, though I am not holding my breath.

And yet people complained about having to drop $10 on Super Mario Run, that has zero micro transactions.