Crazy Uncle Nikola

South Park did an episode that pretty much made that point.

He likes burritos too. I remember in Draculas Gauntlet, Blade finds a burrito which clues him into Deadpool.

Im gonna assume its the First 4 statue which I believe has the same pose.

Yes it is, not in all cases, but its completely possible, in fact the crimany justice system runs on the fact that most criminals know right from wrong, otherwise you could arugue the insanity plea. Most criminals know they are in the wrong and vary between not giving a shit to putting their “needs”before others.

Many people with drug problems do possess the mental aptidude, and morality but steal anyways because their “need” is too great, to an addict getting a fix is as important as eating. These are people that had they not gotten addicted to drugs would likely never steal.

Anyone know if Childs play does work in Australia I’d assume they do.

Yeah Disney sold Power Rangers back to Saban Capital Group in 2010. Apprently they were trying to get rid of the brand for years, and nearly suceeded a couple times. They finaly managed to in 2009, instead airing a re-edited version of MMPR in 2010 before selling. Its speculated they sabotaged the ratings for RPM by

Not sure of the specifics but Disney was interested in Fox Family and was forced to buy into Saban entertainment or at least their properties.

Its all about toy sales now, Bandai funds both super Sentai and Power Rangers to sell toys. Neither show does all that well ratings wise.

As long as you register for it and register for the event you will get rewarded.

Journeys Now, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this comments section are now dumber for having read it. May God have mercy on

Looking further, I can’t seem to find anything regarding if royalties were given. It was something discussed. The below is Behold’s final statement on the matter.

Behold said they threatened legal action, but I dont remember them saying Saban wanted a cut. Ill have to dig through their statements. I have feeling a lot of 3rd party sources embelished the whole thing. Behold is the only one who publicly commented on it which is what the third party articles reported on.

Thats a vast oversimplification. You can say the exact same thing about Toei and Bandai as bandai is a huge sponsor of both shows. The only reason the shows get made is that the real money is in toy sales. Super Sentai toys have been starting to lag the last couple years, to the point where I wouldnt be surpised if in

They only have a 20% ownership in Univision.

Lol, basically ruined? Behold agreed to add “inspired by Power Rangers” to the title, which they had no problem doing, that’s it. The Power Rangers official Facebook page even promoted it in a post which probably led to some people finding out about the game.

More like 120 maybe a little more.

Don’t see the Wii mini

Didnt find it that bad.