Crazy Uncle Nikola

It’s not new canon just a new story in existing canon. Even than it would take 5 minutes of exposition to explain the animus and the pieces of eden.

Her characters Kinda dead unless the movie is a prequel.

It’s a new story that is canon.

Ubisoft Motion Pictures is overseeing production on this film. New recency is helping and 20th Century Fox is distributing it. I think Sony was approached with a partnership but They wanted more control than Ubisoft was willing to give them.

Kinda hoping its some bleeding effect prototype.

There’s no Assassins Creed game coming out this year at least a main one. I think theres a mobile one but thats it

Kinda missing the social commentary about escapism and pop culture obsession to the point where the future in Ready Player One is a much more subtle version of Idiocracy.
It’s strongly hinted that Oasis is partially to blame for the state the world is. People chose to escape into Oasis instead of facing the problems

Most of the references aren’t plot relevant and the ones that are could be swapped out for something else. Can’t use Wargames? Warner Bros owns the rights to the Goonies which would seem like a suitable replacement. Maybe have Parcival drive around in the 1989 Batmobile. The Lego movie did prove that WB can shell out

The third DLC Far Harbor is more story based and will be quite large including a new area to explore.

He did make the sword though.

I really wouldn’t be surprised if you could use the pro controller with it.

Probably not since hes not a companion

I was gonna say something about not falling into stereotypes about furries, but I might as well have a conversation with a wall.

Gold and Silver was more or less a sequel to the original.

You forgot about the one in Japan that opened in 2014. That one opened about 4 years after the Orlando one.

My guess when they get transfered there will be some sort of auto conversion

They aren’t supposed to be system sellers. The only reason to have system sellers is to push out more software later, which is where the real money is made. So releasing a popular game on a system with a large install base is probably just as good a move, if not better, as doing it on a newer one to grow the install

Jun isn’t that bad though and he gets better, Even after a while marcy starts saying how things aren’t that bad but she’s still annoying as hell snd still saying the old stuff

They’ve onfirmed there will be more. The specifically refered these as the first 3 as well.