Crazy Uncle Nikola

Its a bit suspicious that they have this information.

Its rate though. Ive probably opened close to 40 lunchboxes ( most of them bought and havnt gotten a single one.

Ive gotten decent stuff from objective lunchboxes. As far as I can tell they are the same as the ones you can buy. You just have seemingly better odds when you buy them in bulk but not really.

Stimpacks you can give them up to 25. Also some good weapons. You wont be able to do much at first try raising their S.P.E.C.I.A.L. using training rooms.

Never said it wasn’t though.

Bankrupt a company can go bankrupt and still exist. SE simply bought them as a brand


I’ve had the drellers less armed and the death flaws devestate the vault now most of the dwellers in the upper floors are heavily armed with weapons especially the second floor. ( my first floor consists of a radio room and residents that are both empty currently)

The NRA actually has blamed video games.

120 caps to the lord of light to revive him.

A picture of one of the suspects

They can run the games just not on the VC emulator which is why the ambassador games ran on a separate GBA emulator.

It has to do with the virtual console emulator being unable to run higher end systems. The 3ds can run GBA games just not via the VC. The ambassador games ran on a separate GBA emulator.

This isn’t really a bug though. It’s an oversight. A bug implies that something isn’t working right. The designers simply didn’t anticipate that by bumping up the level requirements it would leave people without playable armor.

It’s isolation not anonymity. The fact that you are separated from the person by a computer screen. Facebook, where most of the people use their real name, still has as big a problem with trolls as any site with online aliases does.

SPD horded all the budget for the CGI zord fight at the end. That’s why Omega Ranger was a ball of light because it was cheaper to hire a voice actor. They probably would have gotten rid the character if he wasn’t in so much DekaRanger footage

The actor is Canadian Japanese actor Robert Baldwin. Hordor played by Kristian Nairn.

I think you have hit it on the head in a way RedRobin84 seems to not see. RR84 seems to think that because it’s not referencing stuff from AoS that it doesn’t exist. That could be true, but it could not. As you said they may not be able to keep that going. Id like to see how they handle the Inhumans once we get to it.

You are right to say the films have not directly referenced anything on AoS however you fail to realize that it hasn’t contradicted things either. It seems they are dancing around it purposefully father than contradict it which they easily could. With what happened at the end of season 2 it’s gonna be hard to do

I do think those in charge of the movies are going out of their way to avoid any direct mention to AoS however nothing in the films have contradicted AoS, so you may be right in that they are still part of the same universe. We could see that change with inhumans it will be hard to do that movie and not either