Crazy Uncle Nikola

Missing Captain Marvel though we don’t have an actress yet or if she’ll appear before her own movie so i guess theres not really anything to say.

Not the actual manufacturing but someone has to design what the book actually looks like. The cover what material it’s made of and how big.

Fallout 3 is free for 360 with purchase of the xbox one version of Fallout 4. Bethesda did say that they are waiting on Microsoft to put Fallout 3 on the BC list. So I would assume they have the thumbs up but it’s up to Microsoft to make it available.

Even mass produced items had to be designed by someone. Andy Warhol deconstructed this by mass producing paintings. Warhol deconstructed art. DADAism and pop art were,deconstructions of art. He filmed a guy sleeping. Art is the projection of an idea. True art doesn’t physically exist. The truest art exists in

All art is the projection of an idea. So by definition it is. Anything requiring imagination. Books, movies, even cooking are art. This website can be considered art.

That was the purpose. It’s supposed to be unsettling. I’d rather have these scenes then sugar coat everything . I don’t think there would be the same impact if it were just barely implied. The only instance where you’d question wether she was raped or not if she was taken into the room with Ramsey. You can imply

Yup hardly anyone brings that up.

You need to look up consent. Just because she didn’t say anything doesn’t mean she consented. She was forced to do to it she had no say in the matter. She did know what was happening but. she didn’t want it just because she didn’t resist. I’m just wondering if you support the “well she climaxed, so it’s not rape”

Just go ahead and imply that Ramsey raped Sansa. I don’t need to SEE IT.

He also seemed to be the only one upset at doing it too.

Gonna drop down on my knees and beg ask nicely for anyone to send me a Preview invite.

It does take more time to develop for Android since there is a wide variety of hardware and it’s more open. It’s developers more than apple. Its the same thing with Console vs PC.

Easier to develop for as Android has a wide range of hardware and being a more open platform. This is why Consoles tend to get priority over PC.

Yes it was

wont come out until after XV

spin-off. Sequel? A reboot suggests a remake. like Hawaii five O or battlestar galactica .

I feel dumber for having read this comment.Whatever you are smoking, don’t before making comments on the internet.

The original didn’t or are we misusing the word “reboot” again.

It really depends on the game and pacing. I don’t mind a long game as long as it doesn’t feel that it’s being dragged out just for the sake of it. Playing Whitcher 3 and it feels like the story drags on and on and on more than it needs to be.

Most likely I doubt Elder scrolls VI is very far along.