Crazy Uncle Nikola

Never had problems with used games used to buy them all the time.

Looks like I made a mistake you can get it on ps3 for $19.99 not $14.99

I almost think this is a prequel. It seems to set up a lot of pre-war stuff. the fact you are playing a vault dweller supports that. By the events of Fallout 3 101 seems to be the last vault still functioning. Most experimental vaults ended in failure. 101 and 21 are the only two I know of. 21 was emptied out by Mr.

You can get it new for less than that.

You can get the GotY version new for $9.99 for the 360 version and $14.99 for ps3 on amazon I’ve seen steam keys go for less than $5. I’d recommend new Vegas as well.

I almost think this is a prequel. It seems to set up a lot of pre-war stuff. the fact you are playing a vault dweller supports that. By the events of Fallout 3 101 seems to be the last vault still functioning. Most experimental vaults ended in failure. 101 and 21 are the only two I know of. 21 was emptied out by Mr.

Yes I do realize it came out in 2008 but I’d hardly consider 6 months a couple months away It’s June now you realize that right even then you are another 1o+ months short as the game was released in late October of 2008. Also they wouldn’t have begun right away they had to plan DLC and work on bugfixing and some of

Years ago They did have an infant daughter but she was kidnapped. Sadly the arc was never resolved. A “what if storyline” explores what happened if she was rescued and becomes Spider-girl. This led to a spin-off comic that ran for about 10 years. However this isn’t considered part of 616 (the main continuity) and

This also seems to undo getting rid of May-day. She gets kidnapped then forgotten about. Spider-girl did start out as a what if story where she got rescued but as far as the main continuity was concerned she up and vanishes. Maybe this could lead to a Spider-girl reboot? she does play a pretty strong role in

Not that long Todd Howard did refer to a project being in early stages back in 2010 which would be 5 years which is still a long time. That’s unlikely also as Fallout 3 hasn’t been out even 7 years.

I do think it will be out this year if not before the end of the summer likely earlier. They seem to want to show off the game in the best way possible. The fake rumors have done enough to hype the game to the point where I wouldn’t be surprised if Zenimax and Bethesda were responsible for them to generate hype

Complains about lack of originality in Hollywood.

Because they sell other drinks that aren’t straight coffee. You haven’t been there have you ? I suppose people go to Duncan Donuts for donuts?.

Should we talk about the idiots who think people go there just for coffee.

Yeah people go there for plain coffee.

Because people go to Starbucks for “Just Coffee”

The main characters are being voiced by the same actors as the game. Funny though.

They sent out keys to backers on the 28th of April two days before everybody else. The full (but not final build) Game has has been available to backers for a month or two and the demo has been available for several months if not a year for backers.

They actually have talked about making one. unknown wether it would happen. This looks more or less like a BK game just with different characters. Kenji Ifunae is basically making a new Megaman game with Mighty Number 9.

They have most of the funding already enough to make the game, but The KS will allow them to make the game they want and not be constrained resulting in a much larger game. Plus they are counting on stretch goals and the fact that more people will fund the game once the goal is hit. so they lowball it a bit knowing