Crazy Uncle Nikola

Not a sequel but Fallout New Vegas was pretty good. In my opinion better but your mileage may vary. I'm willing to predict Fallout 4 will be released by the end of this year or no later than next summer.

even longer. Todd Howard mentioned having a project in Pre-production along side a project pretty far in development ( later revealed to be skyrim). Since Skyrim has been BGS most recent project and no other confirmed project is in the works. I'm willing to bet this is the project that is reported to be Fallout 4.


He never said it wasn't true. Saying it's not based on correct information doesn't exactly dispel it as being false. As Jason pointed out Their could be a Live-action Zelda series in the works but the report of it is not based on correct information. It almost sounds like him saying Nothing to announce or No plans

He's married. By law SHE is entitled to it. The kids as well. Wills can dictate certain things but by default everything goes to next of kin which in this case would be his wife. Technically when you get married assets are shared. This tends to be why divorce tends to drag out sometimes because it has to be decided

I got an idea that's worse. How about a show where toxic waste turns some turtles into ninjas and a Karate master into the giant rat is their master

There needs to be a careful balance though. Movies these days have gone bigger because a lot more stuff is possible. Old movies didn't even attempt certain ideas because they couldn't be done practically. I imagine if Jurassic Park had been done ray Harryhousen style. Maybe it would have worked back then because

April first is also the beginning of Q1 2015. Take what you may from that.

The problem with that reasoning is that there's probably a lot more FX shots in films that you don't even notice. even a low budget horror uses computer FX to cover up fake wounds until they are "created". A lot of unnoticeable CGI is done to often combine backgrounds and such. GCI can be done bad and that's when

it's more reminiscent of the earlier movies given it was written in the 90's, far less toilet humor. It wasn't particularly good, but much more watchable then his current stuff and I enjoyed it. I haven't seen the second one but my dad, who enjoyed the first one, has and said the second was way worse.

I never saw Jack

Grown ups was a masterpiece next to pretty much all of his produced films of recent years

I'd still say a new handheld is next. Before the new 3ds was released sales were falling quite a bit. The new 3ds is just a way to squeeze out some more 3ds sales before its next handheld which is likely in the works Pretty much same thing happened with DSi.

A 6-7 issue trade is like $15 so buying a years worth of a comic in Trade format may be a little more expensive. Though Amazon sells them for a few dollars less.

That;s because you are looking at it like it's a typical video game. It sounds more like live event. Kinda like a game show. Maybe like Nick arcade. people will play to see how far they can get in it. It doesn't sound like something that's meant to be "completed" just played. If it were a stand alone game you could

They'll be people who want to play it. Curiosity if anything will get people to play. Given the limited player scope they could get a few thousand interested and it could go on for a while. It seems more like a live event. almost like a game show. Typically if you are ever on one of those you only get one shot at

you can choose to kill Trevor kill Micheal or option c. Which involves taking out all the enemies in the game. C is considered my many to be the games true ending

just wondering which ending you chose for V.

Do you not understand Sarcasm.

I just noticed the pun

Tokusastsu gets the same treatment. It literally means Special Filming and is a blanket term for pretty much anything with a large amount of special fx. The term tends to be stuck to Henshin Hero shows with Rubber monster suits like Kamen Rider and Super Sentai. The term Ameri-Toku tends to be used for any non