Crazy Uncle Nikola

I wasn't aware there was a rule against posting more than one article per game. Consider myself informed.

Its done. Kotaku brought me here.

I'm talking about altogether intelligence. Playing a video game is not equal intelligence. An autistic savant could be capable of doing complex equations that only super computers could do but could have trouble trying their shoes. A program that can play a video game isn't smart. That's all it can do. Most AIs have

Yep. AI barely is as smart as a cockroach. In a few decades we may have AI that can match wits with sewer rats. Not to mention the hardware needed to run even a human- like AI isn't even close to existing. Even than you have to have a human being program something to be smarter. That's like a trying to write a dummies

Why do people invest money into anything? Read the other comments. It helps people realize their ideas. It's an investment platform except instead of part ownership you get the product and some kind of reward but like real investments theirs risks as well. But there have been plenty of success stories. When backing a

Heists should appear before the Pc version which I more than a month away. It could be out Tuesday and Rockstar could wait as late as Monday to announce it. They tend to often give very short notice.

I love DLC costunes ( just costumes actually) . Which why I am now Tecmo Koei's bitch. I hate them. I'll pick this up later. I was thinking of getting it today but Ill hold off.

I'm sure your familiar with Tina. There's also Sarah Bryant from Virtual Fighter and Rachel from Ninja Gaiden. The two you may be unfamiliar with are Eliot ( not a girl but has long hair.) and Marie Rose who was added via DLC to Ultimate DOA 5.



A degree is a degree. It really doesn't matter what its in more that you have one. Many people may work in one industry but have a degree in something else un related. But these days so many people have them that it almost doesn't matter.

I can't say I liked one display better than another? Samus Cosplays not easy to do and tho one was done well. I'm not being an A hole about it like most people.

EDIT. Just saw what you were referring to and yeah you are right. Could have used some detail on the mail but that's not a huge deal.

What problems do you think im referring to because I'm not referring to any. I did say I had trouble with the shield, but I have crap dexterity.

May I get you a sick bag?

I think you meant to reply to Jango.

Your comment made me a little sick

I'm guessing you haven't played any actual terrible games.

The only thing this figure does better I the mail. The figma has no detail in the mail.... at all.

I have one and haven't had those problems. Only had difficulty with getting the shield on. Other that that I find its a great figure. Not quite the detail or articulation of a figuarts but close.