Crazy Uncle Nikola

I wouldn't mind playing it again. They remade RS which was using the same engine as FRLG. So there's plenty to add. The new Resident Evil doesn't add much and is little more than a remaster. Better Graphics sure, but the biggest justification is doing new controls. There's more reason to remake Red and Blue again. For

better chance of DP and even rb

Hey don't be hating. Wooden people deserve just as much right as we do.

it depends on what you say is a lot. Im thinking less than $500. Toys from the 80s and 90's rarely break a few hundred in the box. even Someone mentioned 50,000 yen which is less than $500 a good amount but in the toy collecting world that's not a whole lot. The show Toy hunters found a Japanese Red Saba Toy which

Comeback? I was under the assumption that its been airing still all these years, though the more recent series are much sorter than they used to be.

True. I'm more thing about more recent toys from The 80s and 90s that are at most worth a few hundred in the box.

Not really. Unless its really rare, old Toys don't have a ton of value unless its really old.

Just found the article here's what he said about it

how about entitled asshole

Reports have said Ramis and the others wasn't going to be in much of it with focus on new characters

Supposedly. Rumors had Bill Murray reportedly send a torn up script back to Dan Akroyd. From what I heard prior to Harold Ramis death the origins cast was going to be barely cameos in the film.

I think both Wiig and McCarthy were on Bill Murray's wish list.

As much fun I had with this, it should have been a full game. It felt kinda gimped in making it a smaller experience. People complain about The original Enter The Dominatrix being incorporated into Saints Row IV but I think it was the right move. I feel EtD would have probably felt to constrained as well.

They do pretty in depth reviews really really in depth like novella sized almost, but their headlines are kinda "dumb"

Where did they get an idea like that?

Maybe I should google how to juggle Maybe if I google how to juggle 5 objects I can actually do it.

Meaning neither? Not sure where you are going with that? Where I live there's far more Targets then Walmarts and the more or less sell the same things.

It does however you have to wait until your existing prime expires to apply the gift membership because it prompts you to redeem it for a $72 gift card.

It does however you have to wait until your existing prime expires to apply the gift membership because it prompts

Not really. The subscription is optional. The only downside to not subscribing seems to be that you gain experience slower. Unless that's a big issue ( we'll see) the only thing you are gonna be paying for is the Game and expansions as opposed to WOW you not only have buy the game and expansions but pay a subscription

It means you don't have to buy them individually. Not much different than getting season pass content.