Crazy Uncle Nikola

Technically its subscription free or subscription optional rather than Free to play. If you buy the base game you pretty much get access to everything in the base game. Microtransaction allow you to buy stuff you can unlock in game but its all cosmetic stuff. A subscription gets you extra perks and all acess with any

Hunger Games did something similar. There's no specific mention where each district was.The capital is said to be in the Rocky mountains and District 12 is somewhere in the Appalachian Mountains. The characters obviously know these names and ancient Roman lore is mentioned. The characters might not know more

Not to mentioned it's heavily cliched. Save the universe from dark forces. to be fair many science fiction stories do it. Not to mention the repetitive "hold this point Kill this target at almost every mission." Also picking races seemed pointless and was purely cosmetic. You can pick awoken then visit the awoken

Its not that they didn't think about it Its that they dived headfirst into the lore. Leaving players confused. The problem is that they dived to deep into the lore for the first game and didn't take the time to let it develop naturally. They did that with Halo. The first game didn't have that much to the lore Later

Only the third Time line Really. Aonuma pretty much threw out the previous games and created a new one when he did ocarina of tine The third timeline was created just to try and fit most of the older games in. The second Timeline was created from the get go of Ocarina of time.

DC universe online offers quite a bit for free (no intially purchase at all basically the base game with certain limits that you can pay to extend. Epansions are paid as well. a subscription will get you access to pretty much everything, You can pay for what you want too, but subscription offers some perks you can't

What would you like with those words.

To be fair though Gat outta hell might of been better as a full game.

Many of these fall into . They changed it now it sucks and aren't particularly bad. Transformers especially. Rainbow brute isn't too bad looking either. And I'm pretty sure Tom from Toonami would have gotten complaints if it were the other way around.

That's funny I had plenty of fun up north especially in the wilderness.

Screen writer Steve Kloves wanted to do Deathly Hallows in Three movies but Executive Producer David Heyman nixed the idea and wasn't initially sold on it being two parts but realized it would have done poorly with one. I do almost agree with Kloves. It almost could have worked as three but I ld say no more than a

Movie adaptations tend to be faster paced. They tend to cut out little stuff. A chapter that takes 45 minutes to read can be shown on film without leaving much out in less than 10 minutes.

Koreans are pretty sensitive to Japanese culture that especially if it involves the Japanese military past or present. Toei Company dubs their Super Sentai Series under The Power Rangers name due to the word Sentai being associated with WWII. Two series didn't even air because of them being to Japanese. Samurai Sentai

Haven't read this one but I've heard The Jungle by Upton Sinclair is Not about the meat packing industry but a criticism of The Horotio Alger stories where if you work hard enough you will be successful no matter what. Sinclair countered by saying No matter how hard you work the system may screw you over before you

Might wanna try a Mugen battery might be a bit expensive but the battery life is insane. You can also get as others have expected a USB battery back you will probably have to buy a usb charger cable for the 3ds to use it as none I know of come with usb 3ds Charger cables. Though Not sure why you are getting crap

Putting in the cut dungeons would have required them to redesign the later part of the game. Possible but a lot harder than one would think. When they removed them they filled the holes So it would be difficult to put them back in. Plus Nintendo recycled those dungeons into later games I believe. Would have been cool

Pretty sure its not the same folks as that was over 30 years ago.

Yeah if it were up to me Adam Sandler would have multiple oscars. They can't spot talent. If anything the films at the razzies should win oscars because those are the good films instead the academy just finds the worst movies of the year. Frankly the Razzies are a protest. Kirk Cameron definitely should have gotten

The movie was built out of virtual Lego's all the pieces had to exist with the exception of a few made solely for movie. All the dust effects water and such and laser fire are virtual versions of actually pieces. It's not stop motion at all it's meant to like like it though. Some of the backgrounds though are actual

Light on content? The adventure mode alone is probably about 100 hours of gameplay.

Entitlement alert Entitlement alert.