
THIS. My boss is good for this, anytime he comes onsite. My co-worker and I are the only onsite IT for our division, and we’re both brothas. Somehow my boss always links in some kinda black culture (song, movie, etc) quote in response to a question. I’m asking you about switching to quad-core machines.....wtf does

“I didn’t make him do a credit check or anything. Cuz well, you know......”

Kellyanne looks like the ultimate drug addict redemption story. “From The Meth house to the White House: The Kellyanne Conway Story”

#10 ALL DAY. This ain’t a scene from the fkin Breakfast Club. Ain’t no catchy walkin lockstep, and abreast scenes happenin’ today. Move. And as you all try to talk to each other, and fake like you don’t see me coming.....I will pull out my phone for a fake text/IM/email/etc and do the same. Cuz fk that.

I feel like this entire thing, is the troll move of 2017. Or longer. How long has dude been the boyfriend? Gotta be a paid actor.

Not that it helps, but he enlisted Kid from Kid n Play on this. SMH