
The Lakers rookies keep getting better at hiding things.

The car (with billionaire doors, by the way) is an insane feat of engineering,...

No, baby. Right on time.

And I can barely get 4G on my stupid phone.

Its a Vin Code Lengthener for when you get into a Wreck and don’t want to have to explain to everyone why you have about 7 digits instead of about 100.

Archer reviewing Bond?

It’s mostly me yelling at Ballaban that he’s “a loose cannon” and telling him not to “get personal.”

Proposed Jalopnik crime division: Jacopnik

Fuck it, call me cynical: for a guy that’s been urged to do the dunk contest for 10+ years, I’ve never seen him do a dunk that makes me believe he’s capable of even pulling off a 9 in said contest, yet every single jam he throws down gets hyped. Yeah, it was impressive, and yes, you guys don’t do this shit as much as

Sexually propositioning a woman and her mom at a stoplight?

How many you got?

Can I make a suggestion for #CotD?

Should’ve been driving one of these - would’ve gone straight through it with no problems.

I feel like painting fake tunnels on brick walls is an acceptable way to filter out people who should not have a driver’s license. Every city should have at least 6 of these.

These are the things you Juander about?

Can I get a Buyer’s Guide Supreme with sour cream? And a medium baja blast.