
60000 Australians fought in Vietnam. Presuming Riggs' late wife was American, it's possible that he became a US citizen after serving.

A few episodes ago Saul bugged Allison's phone and handbag, so who the hell have they got listening in on the other end - this guy?! https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Check out One In A Million by Aussie punk rockers Bodyjar. The song lyrics may not necessarily be about sperm, but the video makes no bones about it -  http://www.youtube.com/watc…

Skattles - Taste The Weasel

He and Lavant are definitely converging. David Le Roth?

In Sanur, Bali there's an amusement park ("Taman Festival") that has been abandoned since 2000. What's particularly interesting about this one is the pit of abandoned crocodiles, although that has since been cleared out.