Spock's Taint

This was me, actually. My mother-in-law made something remarkably similar to that. Lime jello with cabbage, so I took some to be polite. Really, the cabbage doesn’t have a very strong flavor, so it’s more of a texture thing. If you’ve ever eaten lime jello but wished it were crunchier, then it’s the dish for you.

Tweeden is also an Obama birther and recurring Hannity guest. I do not think it is outrageous to suggest that THIS SPECIFIC WOMAN may have credibility problems when it comes to accusations made against high profile political opponents, especially at a time when her political allies are under fire for transgressions of

In a certain way I envy my kids, because they still have all the times ahead of them in their lives when they hear things like Siamese Dream for the first time.

Now playing

B-52's on SNL in 1990. They played Cosmic Thing and also Channel Z, which I think I liked a little bit better. It was mesmerizing, I’d never seen anything like them before. Also developed a huge crush on Kate Pierson after this

Do Björk albums still deserve anticipation? I’m not so sure. Huge fan of her early work, but these last several albums have been completely unlistenable for me. The song provided with the article is only reinforcing that.

Well, she’s still accusing him today, as an adult, so I think we can dismiss the whole “who can believe a child” defense.

Of course it’s a man thing, because most men generally don’t have to worry about themselves being raped. It’s something that happens to Other People. And it is very much tied to the current media landscape. Do you think any of these conversations were happening 10 years ago? Not in forums like this they weren’t.

It’s more like before you have kids you know things are wrong, but you don’t really think about them all the time because you and most people you know are probably not engaged in that sort of behavior (as far as you know). Then, once you have a daughter, it suddenly becomes a major concern because you are responsible

District 9 seems like a pretty big omission from this list.

So, I just listened to “Motion Sickness” about a dozen times in a row and holy shit, what a stunning song.

Actually I guess that link was missing some key mechanics. This explains a bit better

One game I like to recommend to people who like Fiasco is “Everyone is John”. https://anceball.neocities.org/Everyone_is_John.html . One player is John, an insane man with multiple personalities, and everyone else plays the Voices, who are vying for control of John. Totally freeform and really gonzo.

“I know a hardcover makes for a better TV prop for Jimmy to hold, but I can’t remember the last time I saw an erotic book launch in hardcover”

Prediction regarding Jon Snow’s love interest: Jon kills Bronn, then steals Lollys Stokeworth.