My friend that was taking his M6 on track events shifted to a Cayman S and is now using a 911 Turbo. Seems like a natural evolution there.
My friend that was taking his M6 on track events shifted to a Cayman S and is now using a 911 Turbo. Seems like a natural evolution there.
The bronze accents aren’t my thing, but at least it isn’t hideous like the M3/4 now.
It’s about 200 lbs heavier than an E39 M5, with 200 hp more. I knew some people that tracked their E39 M5, but I don’t know if I have seen too many M5's after the E39 on track much (though a friend of mine used to take an M6 out on track for a while).
Saturn is a good suggestion. It was sad that they seemed to be hitting the right stride at the end by just bringing over cars from Opel/Vauxhal.
As long as you can store a 3rd car, I am fully with you. Especially when a trackable car can be bought pretty cheap. Quick list of cheap fun cars: non-M E36/E46, Z3, NA/NB Miata, RX-8, late 90's thru early 00's Mustang GT’s. I’m sure there are a ton of cars I’m missing. Just keep the mods reasonable (like the ones…
My oldest son (Ayrton) roots for Romain Grosjean for some reason. Think it is because he liked how the Haas cars paintjobs looked. Since Button’s retirement, my youngest (Jenson) now roots for Ferrari, which is pretty painful to watch. Oddly enough, neither of them roots for McLaren like their parents, but I’m hoping…
Tesla deserves a lot of scorn for many of its issues, but I don’t get the comparison to GM when talking about volume (other than both being American companies), unless it was just to take a dig at them for being a smaller player. It would make more sense to compare them to a smaller/niche manufacturer that sells a…
Hot Pursuit was a blast. Played that for hours with my wife. The Porsche unleashed game was also really fun.
I remember that first Road and Track NFS game. It was so clunky, even on a reasonably fast pc for the time. I remember them adding 3dcard support years later and it was a big improvement. The second game was better, but they moved away from R&T and I think that is when the simulator approach started fading.
They just need to run 2020's calendar again (and add in the USGP if Texas is willing).
I think this background (coupled with your Jalopnik life choice) here would make you uniquely qualified to review this book. You’re able to bring an additional critical eye that I (and it sounds like your husband) would not. Would the movie need to take a lot of artistic liberties, do you think it would need to just…
We have two golden retrievers that weigh around 80 lbs. The X5 was very hard for them to get into, and I don’t even consider that as too high off the ground compared to a more offroad styled SUV. Our Durango R/T is a little easier since the second row folds out of the way enough to let them in through a rear door, but…
Retiring at the top does sound like it would be nice, especially given how we don’t know how the 2022 regulations will play out. 2022 would also give Mercedes a chance to bring in a new era with Russell. But, Hamilton still seems to have so much left in him, so it will come down to how much he wants to just keep…
I agree, debadging is to clean up the look of the car. The badges are just stuck on lettering that don’t improve how the car looks and just add clutter to it. I don’t think most people are debadging a car because they want to trick someone into thinking it is something else.
I picked up the drag race track for my kids and it is a big hit. It was only 15 bucks, is quick to setup and is just great for quick races. We even bring it to car shows so they can race a little behind wherever I park.
This list didn’t include any car books. The Little Red Racing Car, The Greatest Race, and The Little Silver Speedster are all fantastic car books for little kids. My kids still love them. And the illustrations are amazing.
When driving a rental spec car, I normally reserve judgment on the parts that could make the car immensely better. Unless you somehow got into a manual GT (or better), I just rate the parts that are there and wouldn’t change in a better spec (like room, ergonomics, overall layout, etc.).
I always get a kick out of seeing these type of cars brought to a car show. They’re not good or particularly special cars, but some people love them and put all kinds of effort into keeping them clean. I get that certain cars click with certain people, but it is interesting to see someone’s love for an unloved chassis…
I am torn on this. I liked the series as it was originally presented and liked how there was an end that I found satisfying. However, I also liked the ovas and getting more time with these characters, so more of it is also welcomed.
5 & 6 do not get enough respect. My wife still has trouble with the idea that a job is not done until it is cleaned up. The older I get, the more of a stickler for this I have become. It also makes the next job easier since all of your tools are where they should be, not where you thought you left it. 6 also goes…