
My friend’s son (17) autocrosses one. He puts up some really solid times with it, think he won his class Sunday with it. 

Too much for an M52b28tu. If it was an M54B30 (01+), then I could see getting closer to 10k in mint condition. However, this car may have had the Style 42 wheels stock, and while I am a huge fan of M-parallels, the Style 42 wheels look better on it. I also want to see the trunk floor. They fail if driven hard with the

Add to that when everything does line up except the manual isn’t available with the more powerful engine. I swear the only car that ever did it right was the RX-8 where the manual had the more powerful engine and the auto got the crappier one. Manuals are now for enthusiasts, not cheapskates, might as well just have

It’s funnier if you read all of this thread thinking they are fighting Vanilla Ice for Allison Brie. 

As the owner of an RX-8, I am used to keeping a funnel w/ some premix oil in the trunk.  I just keep it in a small tool box and a ziplock bag and throw it in the trunk. The things we do for abnormal cars...

The initial marketing campaign was hilarious for the Blazer. The real people saying that this is the cool mom/dad car. It was such a disappointment.

I had the exact same experience with a 130k M5 at the same time as you.  I put some more in because I modded it some, but the maintenance/repairs were pretty close (actually a little less for me).  

I kept reading it looking for it to be a rebuilt title or a flood car or something awful, but it wasn’t there.  I voted NP, but I almost think I need to vote CP since something has to be off.

Damn, I would buy this in a heartbeat. Clean title, nice color, N52 manual for 4k is a good price.  

I have been very happy with my epoxy coated floor. I just used some stuff from Lowe’s and it has held up pretty well. However, I did what you did and rented a cutting machine and cleaned it very well.  Was very careful about that and took my time.  It has only come up in a few areas where I had been cleaning some

He could pick up a 2014 Durango R/T for around 20k. Tows like 8000 lbs, modern, plenty of room for activities, and pretty comfortable. Makes a good daily. My wife loves hers.

Permits for driveways can be denied if they will cause a drainage issue.  The ones that are in place were approved for installation because they slope properly (or should) and drain correctly.

Nicely done. 

I have wanted to watch Mask of the Phantasm for more than 25 years - it’s always been something I have wanted to see, but never got around to it. I was very mad that DC Universe doesn’t have the full Batman Animated Series and did not have Mask of the Phantasm either. At least I’ll be able to see it soon.

And the angle gear? And how reliable is that $500 engine? Are all the other engine bits working right (sensors, accessories, etc.)?

$600 won’t come close to fixing the XC (which would be my vote for a daily).  I would fix the truck since it’s more related to his work and looks to be the most straightforward.  Corvair should be saved for working on with his son. 

BMW sport seats are good. So are the comfort ones in the e39 and e38. The ones that are not good are their base model seats. They are tragically bad.

This, 100% this. 

Based on the header pic, I came in here to complain about this being a pointless article about telling people to work on their car (no kidding, we should all be doing that!).  I was pleasantly surprised to see it was for something totally different (even though I haven’t reached the point of needing another hobby in

This movie did mess me up as a kid. This scene was terrifying!