
Damn, 1500??? F me I spent more than that on the parts to rebuild the automatic (TC, VB, rebuild kit, temp sensor, and fluid; but labor was free). I know you’re on the west coast, but what resource did you use to find that at?

I am jealous - wish I did the swap instead of rebuilding the automatic.

It’s not. Just a little harder mechanically than changing a clutch. Programming is easy. You’ll be fine. I need to get myself a 540i/6 parts car, but I have to finish my Z3 project first (diff mount reinforcement).

I’ve accepted the demise of the NA V8 RWD BMW wagon - just can’t get myself to accept it without the most powerful non-M engine available for the model. I guess it’s nothing we couldn’t solve later - just like the manual swap on the E39 540iT, just something I wish we didn’t have to contemplate.

This, exactly this. I don’t get why anyone buys these mutants. Also, the proportions look off with it.

I’m a Mechanical PE and being mechanically adept has been invaluable (granted, I’m definitely on the far end of mechanically inclined - done a lot of the more intense/big jobs on my cars, decent welder, etc.). When you understand how things are put together, you will make better design decisions. It’s surprising how

As a mechanical engineer that has worked with NASA engineers, I have found the best engineers are the ones that work with their hands. Whether it’s handyman work around the house, woodworking, automotive work, or some sort of tinkering, those that do this stuff tend to be better engineers. I have met good and bad

This sounds like my backyard. And sometimes my front yard. And the garage. And now I’m realizing how dangerous my house is.

Three songs do it for me:

I wonder if this could have worked as a 4 passenger sedan instead.

As far as a company doing this, it depends on the car. I could see it being useful for M-cars, 911's, AMG’s, stuff like that.

This is a really good idea and I applaud you for adding to automotive history here. (No sarcasm, genuinely agreeing with your approach!)

All I want is a track to have automotive biathlon. That would be awesome.

2000 540iT Dinan Stage 2 w/ 240k on it. I just rebuilt the automatic in it about 6 months ago and regret not just going with the manual swap. I rationalized it by saying my wife still drives it once in a while and she can’t drive stick very well. I fixed a symptom and not the problem (should just get her driving

Eh, it’s academic really, so no rush. If I picked up an 8-series, I’d probably just get an 850i and either swap that or hope for a manual. It’s hard to say no to a V12 (even though the V8 is pretty awesome in my 540iT).

What kind of computer stuff is involved? On an E39, it’s pretty easy since there are manual 540i’s you can use as a baseline - the 8 doesn’t have that luxury. I guess you could tell the DME that it is a 540i so it will accept the manual. The other modules shouldn’t care, except maybe the ASC and the IKE.  

And the 840i didn’t come with a stick. I don’t even know what would be involved in that swap.

I have an irrational love of the 850i and thought that was the perfect answer. You have proven me wrong. This is the right answer.

Yep, my 3 and 5 year old both realized that this was a race to the bottom for them! Now it’s, if I clean it up, they lose it; if they clean it up, they can play with it later. That’s worked much better.

One of my favorite books.