
The world of social media is so insulated that creative people think that these big studios are just constantly trolling through random Twitters and TikToks to try and find stuff to rip off. Maybe — hear me out on this one — not everyone’s as obsessed with Twitter as people on Twitter seem to think?

I’d say it’s “highly probable” that the developer saw a chance to get some articles written to promote his game,

I can say it didn’t look much like the trailer in the article, but I haven’t seen whatever other clips have been released on tiktok. I’d say it’s “highly probable” that the developer saw a chance to get some articles written to promote his game, whether or not it actually influenced the scene in the film.

“Creatives” is creepy?

It’s still popular and has an active community. This isn’t some random old multiplayer game that has like 100 active users. It’s still in the top 15 games played on Steam 15 years later as of right now, beating many more recent releases. The game isn't dead but Valve isn't doing a whole lot to help.

This game is pandering, microtransaction-filled trash, and I will continue to believe that right up until the point they release Lumpy Space Princess DLC

Maybe I’m just old, but in my day if someone had figured out a scheme that seemed too good to be true, they didn’t go publicizing it to the general public since that’s how you get whatever loophole you’re using closed.

Not everything is black and white. That kind of thinking just leads to dissention 

While Zapor wasn’t as eager to relitigate the video game controversies of the 1990s, his response wasn’t necessarily more coherent: “I think in terms of causation, what the information shows us is as we become more disfranchised as individuals, and groups, people leave a faith for example, the family units become

To technology! The cause of—and solution to—all of life’s problems!

If Che does indeed leave after this season, Sarah would be the obvious choice to replace him on Update. She and Colin have good chemistry and I think her loud, brazen energy would bring something fresh to the segment.

When are we finally going to stop caring about Nielsen data? The least reliable numbers.

I mean, the idea of slowly kind of losing people,” Fischer tells Entertainment Weekly. ‘It just felt like, I don’t know. It just felt sad and wrong.

If The Office had ended after 4 seasons, I think it could legitimately claim a place as one of the top 5 or 10 greatest sitcoms of all time. I don’t like Friends as much, but its first 3-4 seasons were solid as well, and miles ahead of most of the other dross produced in the early-to-mid 90s. (It was nowhere close to

Because people like them?

2) that’s why it’s hard to imagine

She’s in a subathon. So that means she keeps streaming 24/7 (which includes being asleep) until the timer runs out. She has to eat, so might as well make content out of it.

It’s a really good build. I think they just want to jump on the “Musk bad” train 

I don’t understand how you don’t realize that there things that other people like that you may not. I don’t know why people line up to watch mindless movies about superheros or horribly long things about hobbits, but I understand that some people have different taste than me.

Tried it out yesterday morning, and this is how I described it to my Facebook friends:

“It’s got a lively orange flavor on the front end that’s not bad, but then a very late-hitting unpleasant burn. It hits at the top of the esophagus rather than in the more usual flavor centers, and is more akin to a sore throat