
I definitely don’t have any complaints about how these courses look/play — the first wave was pretty great.

I just wish they wouldn’t be releasing them in a drip-feed format. The 8 tracks go by pretty fast and I don’t feel as compelled to replay when there’s so few. I wish they would be releasing at least two sets at

My brain just does not operate on this kind of level during fighting games -- so I find myself having a blast playing as Finn and Jake 

Yeah I think this is an intentional design choice to try and steer large carts away from the self-checkout. But you already know you’re in for trouble if you walk up with a 12-pack of paper towel.

Fuckin beautiful

Sounds like an improvement over my freshman college drink of choice:

Coming back to a new season every Halloween the past couple years has been the greatest tradition. I am so happy this will continue for at least two more years 

Ubisoft really knows how to make big and engaging landscapes. AC Odyssey was such a blast to explore and I think the key to success on that one was having the map split up into several different islands that could each look visually unique on their own.

I’m gonna chime in with the most pretentious take. They are funny and I can’t imagine a Souls game without them, but definitely not funny enough to warrant an article and encouraging more of it.

*gets pulled off stage with long hook*

The Late Phillip J Fry. It’s actually my all-time favorite episode of the show. You may not get that sort of mileage out of it -- but everyone agrees that it’s one of those special episodes. 

Not gonna lie, having Patrick Warburton do the voice of Buzz again would have been the easiest way for this movie to garnish some form of excitement out of me

VERY excited to finally get some backstory on whether or not the cab to Phil’s house was, indeed, “rare” 

Santa Clause: Keep Christ in Christmas”

Piggy-backing off this -- was just thinking about how I hadn’t seen this specific chili scene for a few months 

I’m sure the production staff of this show would love to read this article that implicates them with all of the toxic shit happening at Blizzard and Riot

We had options, people!!

Can’t believe nobody considered stuffing two or three people inside a Godzilla-esque suit

Season 9 was the peak of the show when Tim was trying to start a restaurant and Mark was the server. He could never deliver the food without making it a huge scene 

Shortly after the incision was closed, Ashton Kutcher ran into the room and pointed out all the hidden video cameras 

Dune 2: Electric Dunegaloo 

As much as I’m upset at how that clickbaity headline drew me in -- I can’t deny that it definitely evokes BoJack vibes. I’ll give it a shot off of this goodwill alone