
Kill two for matching clogs!

The guy has gone on record as being pretty upset that the original characters were rebooted a few years ago without any feedback/involvement from him. I’m sure he’s getting paid a pretty penny for all this, but I do think he genuinely cares about his creation too 

Emperor’s New Groove is a seriously slept-on film. I think that entire restaurant scene is some of the finest comedy ever produced.

It is baffling that they’re continuously plugging this shady shit

It is baffling that they’re continuously plugging this shady shit

I do not understand 80% of what I just read

I’ve got the Oscar Fever -- hope you got it too!

This is tough. I personally work with a program that helps teach media production skills (and life skills) to young adults on the autism spectrum with the hopes they’ll eventually get employed in the workforce. I love doing this kind of work with all of my heart. Coming from that end, it’s a bummer and feels like a

I get not wanting your creations to be likened to something as exhausting as this current administration -- but calling Hutz “a good-hearted soul”? C’mon now

Funny enough, Carrell’s line read on “motherFUCKER” in that header image is probably the only time the show gave me a gut laugh.

Arriving at Alexandria and having the gang cope with living in a “normal” world again really felt like the perfect wrapping up storyline. The actual finale should’ve been when the walkers destroyed the town’s walls and they fought off the horde — effectively proving they could sustain what they created.

Wow — I had no idea the ratings were so good lately. Just goes to show how many people abandoned ship during the coma seasons.

I just started playing this game for the first time a few months ago. The first few days I had it I was absolutely hooked — I was certain this would be the first FF I actually beat all the way through. Then there was that big “dramatic” act turn about 3/4 of the way through and I completely lost all interest moving

I’ve been very apologetic toward the show due to the fact I didn’t actually start watching it until season 20. There is a very consistent and safe level of quality that the show’s later seasons have — but it’s embarrassing that they haven’t put in the effort to try and experiment more given the resources and legacy

An Undercover Boss parody as the season premiere jesus this show is so tiredddddd

The writing was on the wall the second Mike Lazzo stepped down from adult swim. There was no way this show was profitable for the network with how long it took to make, how short the seasons were, and how inaccessible the writing was for new fans as the series went on -- but clearly Lazzo had a soft spot for it and

I’m happy to see this being rated so well! I’ve been interested in it since I saw the first previews.

Whatever floats your boat, Fickle If You Like

n i c e

Oh, so that’s... actually the name...

I 100% agree with your opinion on this game. I’ve only played a few FF and this one is the furthest I’ve ever gotten. The first few days I could not put it down. The banter between the characters was so charming and grounded — it was always such a pleasure to watch them shoot their shit with each other and slowly