How enlightened. It's comforting to know that we have people like you standing vigilant guard over such an important cultural divide.
How enlightened. It's comforting to know that we have people like you standing vigilant guard over such an important cultural divide.
I honestly don't know why I care about this so much to post as much as I have, but look at the video closely. None of those people standing there posed a threat to the officer, and even if they did, tasing one of them would have served only to increase the agitation of the group.
According to one report the teen that was tazed had been using a folding chair and a belt wrapped around his hand to strike the other kid involved.
By that standard, the next time you're illegally exceeding the speed limit, you should expect a police cruiser to immediately perform a PIT maneuver on your vehicle before he turns on his lights and asks you to pull over.
Sure Fulgurite, you can come at us with all these "facts" and "numbers" with you "logic"... but I'm still pretty sure Apple has already shuttered it's doors now that Steve Jobs is gone. All this "revenue" you speak of is obviously just a clever ruse.
Yes... expect it doesn't exist yet :)
Ok, you got me there... except that the location of the event isn't really the issue.
Solid logic there, Holmes.
Gil Wizen you have achieved success in this world. You earn a salary doing the exact same thing I did as a 8 year old in my back yard. Kudos.
Generally speaking, in terms of law enforcement, you expect an officer to use the appropriate amount of force to get a situation under control. The reason this this officer's actions are questionable is that he doesn't even attempt to use his authority to stop the fight verbally before he shoots the kid in the face…
Good now all the people I added to play Castle Age will get the hint to stop asking me to join their battles. I literally added hundreds of people for that game.
That does bother me about the new music part. There's a few websites that list them with links... but I'm lazy, I don't want to sift through them.
Well... at least its not a Windows logo.
I've not tried Rdio yet. What do you like about it compared to Spotify?
Why did they just give me 10 account invites on the day they opened it up?
Looks like it :/
Hold on... let me find my "angry shaking" cane. There's some darned kids these days that just don't respect stuff like kids did when we were kids. Dag nabbit.
It wasn't a dis :) I'd call that one a draw.
A bolt action rifle still has a magazine. Whether it is detachable or not, if a rifle has an area that rounds are stored within it's stock, it's called a magazine.
Good point. You win this round, fan of rackets and boys.