Phew I was worried we wouldn't get that lesson as well :)
Phew I was worried we wouldn't get that lesson as well :)
He's an anti-hero though... So that makes sense ;)
Nobody argues with Sterling Archer and lives... except his mother.
Quick somebody tell us what RPG stands for in Russian.
Sometimes in the heat of battle... it's easier to yell, "toss me a clip" than it is to ask, "May I please have a magazine." Sure it's not technically correct, but people know what you mean ;)
I had an awful experience with the PS3 version of this I used a few years back. I always liked the idea though. I still hope they'll refine it in to something usable eventually.
If you're in music to make money... sorry for you but now isn't the time. But you know... if you want to share you passion with the world, it's tough the think of a better time in history to be doing just that.
I appreciate your "out of box" proposals for the most part, but I get the idea that you haven't spent a lot of time working for a major corporation. All that marketing that makes Apple seem so bubbly and friendly is for the consumers. Once you work here you see how segmented and secretive the operation is. It has…
Last time I checked Apple was a business not a theme park.
I don't care whether that's completely true or not. That's a great scene for a movie.
It's not really silly. It's just that the term "friend" on facebook has grown to be a bit of a misnomer. It's just a way to organize contacts.
I was going to post that if you didn't. I know it's nit picky... but if you're going to have an informational article about something, you might as well get the facts right.
Was going to post this exact remark. Except that disturbed = delighted.
Caption: "The bayonet I stuck in him vas DIS BIG!"
I always site Pavlichenko when arguing that women are just as capable in combat as men. It's less about gender and more about mindset. If a person believes in what they're fighting for, they're dangerous regardless of their gender.
CIA plant.
Steps to achieve blown mind.
I like taking these articles and replacing "pest in question" with "human being".