
Where children learned to camp.

Exactly. When you take away risk/reward and consequence from the childhood experience you nerf life. Then you get a bunch of cry babies always complaining that the world isn't fair. News flash: the world isn't fair. The earlier you learn that, the more successful you'll be.

I love risk. Risky situations are the only time I feel alive any more. Riots, war, I'll take both. Security is an imaginary concept that makes a lot of people a lot of money because most of us are too afraid to fend for ourselves.

Sorry, didn't catch the "2" part. Yeah the BF3 trailers look amazing... we'll see how it performs real world soon ^_^

Sure Frostbite is a fantastic engine. I played the shit out of BF:BC2 on a cutting edge machine when it first came out. I have no doubt that we'll see some great innovations both in the hardware and software side of things in the coming years but I think we're still a bit away from true photorealism at 60fps. It's

Ima gunna go ahead an call bullshit on that. Maybe if the next gen isn't out for another 10 years you may have sometime close to Avatar like graphics... but you aren't going to fit this kind of processing power in to a console any time soon:

Mmm tomato plants. Indeed.

I think you're projecting a bit there.

Never mind... it's in the credits. "Something Elated" by Broke For Free

Anyone know the song they used for this?

If you're really worried about it, carry two wallets. One with your actual money and cards and one with a couple bucks in it that you can hand over or drop and run. They'll be more interested in the wallet than with you so use that as your way out. Or get a concealed weapons license or just carry pepper spray and a

Oh, Maru. That box is way too small!

It related news: TiVo discovers fire.

yeah well xkcd ripped off the stick figures I used to draw when I was 5.

Great so when the moths are all gone what are the wasps going to do? File for unemployment, that's what. Then not only will it be embarrassing to stand in line at the unemployment office, but it will also be full of wasps. California did not think this through.

I fucking despise those machines. It's like dealing with a computerized options tree when you call for technical support.

It was just a jab ;)

OVER 9000!!??


Hey take it down a notch there, big guy. I spent four years in the 82nd Airborne running all over Fort Bragg and Iraq and before that I went through training at the Ranger Indoctrination Program at Fort Benning. So if you want a technical answer, the last time I went running with a member of our military was this