
...Because it's the right thing to do, Morgan.

She always sounds like she's running out of breath at the end of each sentence.

I've gotten to use the word schadenfreude twice this week and it's only Thursday!

Dear El Paso,

Pink reflective belts are still A-OK though. Nothing screams "trained killer" like sweating out a 2 mile run at a 14 minute per mile pace with a pink band around the waist.

No hate. It just seems unnecessary. People that have iPads probably already have a PC or a laptop aren't doing a lot of lengthy typing on their iPad anyway. As for the speaker, that's what airtunes is for.

It says NSFW right there in capital letters and it's an article about a sex product... what did you think you were going to get?

I'm a well regulated militia of one :)

AT-4s are ok... what you really want to get your hands on is a claymore mine. Impressive to say the least.

I started standing at work recently and for the first few days my lower back was killing me. I've been an athlete my whole life and started a desk job about a year ago, you don't realize how weak your body becomes and how quickly it happens until you change your behaviors.

Remember that tablet you bought so you would operate in the post-PC era? Well we figured you might want to turn it back in to a PC :P

CONTEMPT! Couldn't even get it right with an edit :P

I find you in content of adorable animal court! Good day to you, sir.


Hey, if I can take a perfect shot once in a while... so can a monkey.

The one I looked up was $140. Do you have a cheaper source?

Guerilla UAV :)

Do you support the dollar? Because it fits that criteria as well ;)


It's the ultimate rush. Nothing compares to the feeling you get from being in battle. For some it turns in to an addiction.