
Well I guess that falls under the territory of using video games as a teaching tool instead of for entertainment. I think most people play games as a form of escapism... if they wanted to really learn about war they would pop in any number of documentaries that have been filmed in recent years. Also, humanizing the

That's how it works when your business is dealing in the suffering of others. Violence becomes a commodity to be considered in terms of profit and loss, not pain and empathy.

It's pretty well documented now that UAV pilots have some of the higher rates of PTSD in the Army due to the lack of buffer between war and home. They go to work, kill people, then drive home to be with their family. That's a mind fuck and a half.

OH right in the shiny part :)

nm, I checked the kids website.

Can anyone give a recap of the video since Google has deemed it too harmful for my virgin eyes?

My vocal chords hurt just listening to that.

"This is nuts. They will be testing all kinds of poop. Is this America?" - Says the fuck who doesn't clean up after their dog.

Nature is full of assholes. We just figured out how to process and eat the assholes of all the other assholes in a much more efficient manor.

The idea is great... but the video in the examples looks like hot garbage.

Yeah maybe I thought the "THIS IS THE COOLEST THING YOU'LL EVER DO EVER!" attitude was a little extreme for my taste. I've done some pretty cool shit in 28 years, and much of it was far more exciting than skydiving.

I honestly didn't enjoy it much. I didn't get any rush out of it at all so I was just cold and couldn't see much because my googles didn't fit well... and my ears didn't pop so that kinda blew. I'd do it again maybe if it was free but I wouldn't pay another $100.

Their long term business model is to cut the price tag roughly in half with each new iteration. And in any case they aren't marketing this to the Ford Focus crowd nor should they have to. There's plenty of Prius' and Civic Hybrids to go around.

There are actually people who have better things to do with their lives than troll /b/ and keep up with the 1337isms. I don't know any, but I hear they exist... and these explanations are perfectly suited for those people.

At least a computer can't give you herpes.

Obvious survey is...

Canadians even riot politely.

Well... rich people dont generally get that way by being nice. If you want to play in their game, you better know all the rules.

And this is why I'll be teaching my kids Mandarin.

I have no doubt that what you described is often the case. I've worked for the Army and a major corporation and one of the commonalities they share is that they are generally reactive, not proactive when it comes to policy change.