
I don't think there's a person on earth who could do that...

Boats aren't fast enough.

You show me a UH-47 that can cross the atlantic then we'll talk about not using the c-130, c-17, and the c-5 any more ;)

sure all it takes is a sony handy cam but the benefits outweigh the risks i think.

Maybe instead of buying a few of those hellfires, we could invest in some better optics for the drones. That would solve a lot of these errors of identification. That coupled with friendly only IR beacons, and gps tracking on a joint system between the UAVs and the troops on the ground.

You don't even need to do that. IR beacons work. I wonder why they units weren't wearing any.

You sir, don't know what you're talking about. I served 4 years in the 82nd Airborne stationed at Fort Bragg and we coordinated our jumps and transports through the Air Force on Pope AFB. We don't maintain our own C-130s or C-17s. The only air units the army maintains are helicopters like the blackhawk, kiowa, and

Yes regulate through fear! More patriot acts! More restriction. Boo to scientific advancement.

+2 for the polite gentleman.

Dir sir, it's not the recession, it's the consoles. Obviously.

The 82nd BCTs work on a cycle for deployment readiness. So at any given time there is a brigade sized element and standby to be wheels up in 18 hours to anywhere in the world. Whether that dead line is met or not is contingent on many factors, often political.

You're a funny dude, I'll give you that. Ever heard of the good old days fallacy? Sounds like you have a healthy dose of that working itself through your reasoning when you try and argue that a certain culture is devoid of meaning because it isn't a culture you find an attachment to.

Just out of curiosity, since you seem to be a man of principle, what exactly if your definition of the degradation of society?

Seriously haha. How many people are actually truly happy with "what they have"?

Way to take a stand bro! :P

Ok to start with... how many people are actually doing this? Just because it's sensational doesn't mean it's a movement. I really doubt this is any more the "rage" than LARPing is.

Customer service for the win.

All weird news comes out of Florida.