
It's also nice when a game is actually fun. I tend to focus on that more these days :)

Brain, I am disappoint.

Yeah Hulu lost me with the ads.

My initial reaction to this was: awesome.

Care not. Want more TV options.

I'd have a retarded world view too if I gleaned all my information from right wing think tanks, the credentials of which are touted by the venerated Fox News, bastions of fare and balanced reporting, and a website that has to emphatically explain in it's FAQ's that it is in fact not a white nationalist forum.

Good. People are easier to manipulate when they are tired and dumb. I will grow my sleepy army and take over the world!

Also try educating yourself on the NYC charter school system that is just chalk full of those pesky unteachable minorities that happen to be pulling ahead of their peers because of a radically redesigned approach to curriculum and expectations for their students.

A. Yes, you're a racist. I can't even begin to address how idiotic you sound when you say that an entire race of people is somehow less capable of learning than another.

We're all going to wait for Duke Nuken Forever.

Really? Talked to any one in New Orleans lately?

The smart thing would have been a community service sentence and a job working for the government.

I'll just file this away in my "who cares" folder.

That was actually filmed inside charlie sheen.

Oh hi, welcome to the internet. We have so much more to show you.

Yeah enjoy lifting a litter with a 200lbs dude up in to that thing.

Me too! Been a while since I got that feeling.

Bite my knobby wooden ass.