
They are working for them because they are making metric shit tons of money. Pretty simple.

Wait, wait, wait... you mean you aren't going to bitch about how much something sucks and is overpriced? You actually went out and created your own less expensive solution? What are you doing in the comments section?

Are tobacco companies really "evil"?

Anyone else catch that he tried to cremate her BEFORE he finished her off with the chair leg?

Purdue agrees.

In the future we will all drive Volkswagens.

Haha fair enough. That wasn't my experience with these sets anyway. They're the only Megablocks I've ever used.

It's blocks underneath with larger covering pieces to make them look more like the actual units.

I've got some of last years Megablocks Halo sets and they're actually pretty cool. I loved LEGO as a kid but I wouldn't let that keep you from checking these out. As far as build quality, I'd say they're about 90% of what you'd expect from a LEGO. The units are more fully articulated and adhere more to the Halo IP

Symmetry is big part of what makes someones face attractive so it would stand to reason that the average of a number of faces would be more so than it's parts.

Looks like somebody poked a raw nerve. Welp... guess I'll just sit back and enjoy all the free space left behind by the deserters.

Great animation and action... now if they'd just not talk. At all. It would be a winner.

You had better stow them ears private.

You mean... we have freedom of choice?! The absurdity of your assessment of human nature is appalling. We obviously are nothing but reactive organisms, void of intellect, bouncing off one stimulus to the next. Luckily we have Fox News to keep us safe while informing us of all the things we should be fear.

I'm not sure that's always true. There are so many under-informed people that take any "experts" word as gospel without applying any critical thinking. They have just as much voting power as those of us who pay attention and actually try and deconstruct difficult issues before passing judgement over them. These

Correlation does not imply causation. Correlation does not imply causation. Correlation does not imply causation...

You don't really grasp how absurd the dimensions of some of these video game heroins are until you see them in 3D. Holy back problems.

@zakany001: Awww :( Puffin's no longer gunna puff.