
This mentality that white people must ask hyper-sensitive militants for permission before they think, speak, or act or risk being labeled a racist is just silly.

The college radio station in Auckland has a program literally called “Fuck Off Fascism.” 95b fm.

Ok it is politically incorrect to criticize blacks these days. I suppose you could call that a ‘rhetorical black privilege”

Who is Kevin Hart?

This whole ugly incident was the result of a football crazed culture run amok. It had virtually nothing to do with race. The football players, white and black, became local demi-gods and eventually the whole rape/football culture thing got totally out of hand with tragic results. The admin at YSU, more than anyone,

All you have to do is read the hateful things commenters, and sometimes writers, on this site say about white people to understand the poll results.

Maybe if black people didn’t spend so much of their time discharging firearms in our cities cops would be less twitchy.

Ok black people in America are not oppressed. This is actual oppression:

I’m a white male. I know. Im sorry.

Im frightened by these progressive impulses towards censorship and thought control to ensure that nobody ever has to be offended. I mean obviously everyone should try to be aware of and considerate of the feelings of people in other groups. But I think we’ve reached a point where we need to really think about what