
The Xbox game was actually a pretty great “sequel” with voice acting from all the original cast and fun gameplay.

That guy is behind the plate of every Nats game. Sometimes in MAGA hat, sometimes not.

Stopped reading this a few graphs in when I realized this turd is being serious. Go fuck yourself, bean boy.

I recorded the match and my DVR shat the bed halfway thru the fourth set, so I had to look up the result. When I saw it, I was kinda glad I didn’t have to watch the whole thing. It’s agonizing to see the GOAT get taken to the woodshed like that.

I was thinking the same all throughout the match. I have never been more astonished by another athlete, in any other sport, ever. The poise Fed has when the outcome is all on him - (not on his team like MJ, Brady, or whoever) - is unbelievable.

He’ll always have DFW’s epic NYT piece, “Roger Federer as Religious Experience” on his side.

Go to a Foals show.

In what form will Carmelo Anthony someday reappear in the public consciousness?

I went to one last week because I was in Miami and had never been to an indoor park before. I really liked that there were no lines for beer. Everything else was suspect.

Zach Galifnfinfdsnackis

Easier than sneezing while you pee.

What happens first: Dan Snyder perishes in a fiery yacht collision, or the Nationals win an NLDS?

We’ve been doing this for a few years and like it. There are two downsides. One, while you’re patiently waiting all Summer for your beach week, people in the office keep disappearing and coming back tan. Two, not only do you have to deal with the end of your vacation, when it’s over - which is the worst feeling in the

Brisbane was awesome. Really enjoyed ferrying out to Moreton island and visiting the Koala sanctuary. The ‘Valley’ was cool and we went to a really fun mini-golf bar and ate tasty donuts. Also riding the big wheel and exploring the art museum and surrounding area.

It’s really hard to visit Sydney and get on your return flight home without questioning why the hell you’re leaving. My first piece of advice, as someone who has only traveled there twice, is find a way to stay as long as possible. I’ll try to make this to the point, but I could ramble about how great Sydney is for

Doesn’t writing the title track for a massively popular TV show carry the same weight as being in the Billboard 200?

dare we call it “Dickensian” ??

My friends hated so much that I liked the Streets. I’ll concede the delivery was grating against everything I had ever liked before, but I felt like I was pretty much the same kid as Mike Skinner at the time

Great list. Lots of nostalgia from my senior year in high school. I was hooked on Appleseed Cast “Low Level Owl II” and Hot Water Music “Caution.” Both released in ‘02, but I guess HWM snuck into the top 200 ten years later.

You dipshit. Anyone who has ever been in a college campus fast food joint at 3 a.m. should know how to ‘keep themselves safe’ from a drunk girl who gets a little slappy - walk away. For fuck’s sake, of course she wasn’t armed.