
Holy Shit that was one of the worst ways I could have spent 10 hours that last episode that reveals everything was a complete and total waste of time

there is a such thing as a slow burn and then there is glacial and this show is slower than most glaciers. so far this series is running at a C in my book and that is pretty generous

Also can we have one episode where everyone isnt crying or looking like they are about to cry I get the world sucks and everything but its everyone crying constantly is wearing on a bit

for real dont bother one good episode isn't worth the 5 hours of absolute boredom

From what I've gathered each episode is like a day or two days makes which makes no sense considering Julianna got back home the same day the prince got popped

he still had that truck though

how are these people able to traverse such vast distances in a day? the nazi super sonic plane makes sense but you cannot drive from colorado to new york city in a day

also does anyone else think time is slightly off in this show? at this point only like 3 or 4 days have past but it feels much more longer

this show does not need to be an hour long each episode things are moving insanely slow, also the acting isn't really that great especially dj qualls that dude needs to go

I really think the scene between Jimmy and Leslie was reminence of Neon Genesis Evangelion

90 minutes to NYC you must've lived in like sussex county or something dog