
Nope. Being the executive of a country is *not* like being a CEO. Every person reporting to a CEO is expected to be personally loyal and on board with the CEO’s mission. The CEO has the power to appoint all employees, who must meet his qualifications. All departments pursue a singular goal: profit. They have a single

Trump just cannot conceive of the fact that you can’t run a country like a business.

You’re my hero right now. It’s been a little while since I’ve laughed so hard I cried, and here I am at work.

“ launching a smartphone that he claims could shakeup the tech industry.”

Something about this just feels a little toooo... vaporwarish.

Bad news - many folks are stupid and gullible. They are born, live and die that way. Nothing you or anyone else can do can mitigate that handicap.

“I’m calling myself stupid, and I don’t want anyone to be stupid like me and get scammed,” Edge told CBS New York, voicing her frustration.

Don’t worry about it. Its just the white house staff getting their memories fixed to be more in line with whatever todays top excuses are

Not tourism. Terrorism. We’re fighting a war on terrorism. They seemed confused.

Remember when Donald was going to make us respected by the whole world? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

C’est un homme who doesn’t have le temps for your merde, Donald.

Hi Dana. Thanks for stopping by Kinja.

It’s not even in the top 10. Most fatalities are blue collar workers like loggers, fishermen, roofers, etc. Even being a taxi driver is more dangerous. Sure, there are dangerous aspects to the job, but they tend to be overblown if you look at the statistics. 

I always have plenty of dick pics like this to gross people out who go snooping:

I use WordFlow regularly on my iPhone. With the newest update there was an option to let the 3 rd party keyboards work on password fields.

Given that it’s a keyboard and so every password you type can potentially be snatched, I think a little extra precaution is warranted.

My grandfather recently passed away - 94 years old. He had a stroke in his 40s and spent the last fift-plus years of his life with serious problems walking, could barely write, and could not speak besides a few ‘unlost’ syllables that were mostly not intelligible to anyone but us, communicating by rudimentary gestures

Step One: Avoid transiting through the USA at all costs.
I won’t set foot in your nation until you climb off your fucking high-chair and act like a fucking normal country.