We’ve all been there. Your Fallout costume just isn’t sitting right. It needs alterations. So you head to the…
We’ve all been there. Your Fallout costume just isn’t sitting right. It needs alterations. So you head to the…
Now you know why there is no money left for free education or healthcare.
It was one of those scorching-hot May afternoons when the air conditioning might as well just give up, where a…
it’s option+command+I on mac, not option+shift+I. Took me for freakin’ ever to figure this out, thought I’d help.
Whenever anyone slips the words “white privilege” into a conversation, it immediately builds an impenetrable wall.…
It’s good to hear you’re on your way to the local recruiting station to sign up. It’s refreshing when warmongers are willing to sign up for the war they’re advocating.
For the love of God, why? I’ve been to war. There is nothing good or glorious about it. Yet Trump has to wave his dick around, which will only get a lot of good people killed. He already dropped a MOAB in the middle of a diplomatic crisis with Russia, signaling that he will go all the way up to using nuclear weapons,…
Because our President does not fully understand the consequences of his actions.
A group of activists protesting President Trump’s anti-immigrant policies temporarily halted activity in the lobby…
Yeah calling someone a pensioner is in no way offensive.
Wow the biggest scandal here is HamNo trying to erase his ties to Florida.
PRNDL works. Shifters that actually move give tactile feedback that you have selected the gear that you want. They save a little room but make it more likely that someone who is distracted or unfamiliar with the car will make a mistake.
So.... I really hate how your new comment section works. you scroll down to get to the comments and bam some other shit shows up. Like, #&% you on that. I just wanna read the Comments. Half the time there better then the actual article.
So.... I really hate how your new comment section works. you scroll down to get to the comments and bam some other…
If you just want to see unionized workers make excuses for why black people deserve to be killed, we already have police unions.
Two nights ago, while I was trying to shove a plate of slightly burnt asparagus into a Ziploc bag, slap some…
Gyung Bae Kwak, an editor at South Korean gaming site Daily Game, is in the hospital after being slashed with a…
If only those 8 and 9 year olds had been armed.
It’s not remotely subtle, and seems like pretty explicit profiteering to me. He could choose to vacation anywhere. He chooses to pay himself for the privilege out of our pockets.
You need to add in the amount of money the local airport is losing because of the Presidential no-fly zone around where he lands to go to Mar a lago. The town alone spent $1.5 million and the skydiving business lost $250K so far.
He’s a freakin’ dipshit.