
The point is harm reduction, not necessarily compassion.

My current cat is definitely not a fearsome hunter. I watched her take 20 minutes to take down a moth the other day (yea, I have no life).

It’s there!

Now you know why there is no money left for free education or healthcare.

It’s a little more complicated than that, since the power vacuum left behind after removing Saddam Hussein has really destabilized the religion, and probably the biggest reason why ISIS gained so much power. (Remember, the 2nd “I” in ISIS is Iraq)

it’s option+command+I on mac, not option+shift+I. Took me for freakin’ ever to figure this out, thought I’d help.

Why are the Republicans so gung ho on meddling in capitalism? The free market does. not. want. coal. anymore.

I live in Wyoming, where people fervently believe Priutt’s bullshit. If you want an uncomfortable silence, ask them why, if EPA regulations are responsible for killing the coal industry, China’s coal industry is also declining at a similar rate. (spoiler: the answer is Obama-something-something).

I was referring to Donald Trump.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but when has that ever stopped us (the US). Tell me what we gained from Vietnam, Iraq (1 or 2) Afghanistan, etc... The last time we could honestly feel like we did the right thing going to war was WWII.

For my entire adult life, I would answer the question “are we going to war with North Korea today?” with a resolute “no, of course not.”

It’s good to hear you’re on your way to the local recruiting station to sign up. It’s refreshing when warmongers are willing to sign up for the war they’re advocating.

Because our President does not fully understand the consequences of his actions.

all I want to know is when am I going to get my giant monster genetically modified humans?