
Yeah calling someone a pensioner is in no way offensive.

While I agree that this is a shitty move by BK, the example you bring up isn’t really apples to apples. Dialing a 900 number ends up with a monetary charge. Having Google Home read a Wiki page is just annoying.

And yet I work for a big corporation and my ‘net barely works and I can’t get half my stuff done due to all the I/T problems we have. Can we put these two guys on our help desk line??

Wow the biggest scandal here is HamNo trying to erase his ties to Florida.

An image of the pedicellaria. In case you didn’t have enough nightmares. 

I was onboard until the cinnamon bit... bloody savages.

PRNDL works. Shifters that actually move give tactile feedback that you have selected the gear that you want. They save a little room but make it more likely that someone who is distracted or unfamiliar with the car will make a mistake.

If your plan for governance is so terrible that it makes you believe you need a 24/7 security detail, you might want to rethink your plan.

You guys remember all those heavily armed leftists walking around with their AR 15 penis-extenders and ‘don’t tread on me’ flags for the last 8 years?

So.... I really hate how your new comment section works. you scroll down to get to the comments and bam some other shit shows up. Like, #&% you on that. I just wanna read the Comments. Half the time there better then the actual article.

So.... I really hate how your new comment section works. you scroll down to get to the comments and bam some other

If you just want to see unionized workers make excuses for why black people deserve to be killed, we already have police unions.

the market has spoken. It said “fuck United and all their bullshit”


America is so fucked right now because the Government has turned the keys to the kingdom over to corporations.

Having spent a fair bit of time around doctors in a recreational setting, while names are by practice omitted, there is nothing they love more than one-upping each other with stories of weird patients. Either the conditions they have or simply their behavior.

“...People will believe in terrorist deer..”