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We use them to install new chairlift towers. They can carry a big bucket of concrete for the pad to anchor to as well as the towers and the structure at the top of the tower. Very efficient way to get this done in very remote places without roads and at very high altitudes.

Oddly, no. The enlisted guys are a lot more diverse, demographically — more POC, more women, so it wasn’t a landslide for Trump with them. The officer corps is mostly straight white guys, and they threw their macho lot in with the orange monster because they thought it meant $$ for new toys. Whooops.

I spent 13 years on active duty (2x Iraq, 1x Afghanistan), and got out last year. Seeing pictures of Fifth Avenue fuckwits like this playing war tourist eliminates any regret I have about not staying in longer - and makes me feel awful for my friends still in.

Literally no one outside the military cares about the difference. It’s like a banking dude being pissed that regular folks just don’t get how an Executive Vice President is totally different than a Senior Vice President.

I understand the reasoning, but I can’t shake the feeling that boycotting Walmart is a luxury that is only afforded the wealthy.

Nope. We’re watching you slit your own wrists because you’ve been pissed the last 8. We’re concerned for people and they’re actual suffering because of your (general you) views. We don’t feel like you because we aren’t authoritarian-seeking, selfish small-minded vindictive assholes. Usually.

Lol like Republicans handled anything with grace. All they did was waste tens to hundreds of millions of dollars sitting around doing nothing for 6 years, forming investigation after investigation, and spouting flat out lies to the media to try to hype their delusional story.

Eight years of social progress, rebuilding the US’s reputation, bouncing back from a housing bubble collapse, and slashing the deficit must have been really hard on you.

Oh man, acting like a decent human being for 8 years, how horrible was it? Not being able to be an open bigot for for that long must have felt like an eternity.

“Fuck everyone else but me and mine” is the unwritten GOP motto.

There is no good reason for abortion... except for mine.

There are three other factors that need to be considered. First gerrymandering inherently makes it so that more extreme/partisan candidates get elected. The Republicans are better at it, and have more heavily gerrymandered seats, so they’re the ones who get pushed further out of control. Which feeds back into the

If and ONLY IF they have a twins, named Horace and Cloris.

Then I guess ‘Mandy’ was about Mandy Patinkin.....

If there’s one statement that should never be made about Americans, it is that we are too small.

I agree the graphics are ugly, but you gotta admit, it’s only 38 horsepower down from a 2017 911 Carrera, almost the same weight, and half the price. The Nismo model is only 20 HP down from the 911. I love my Z no matter what the haters say. It’s been as reliable as you can hope for, can’t say the same about my wife’s

I come here to read about cars, not to read what you and the rest of the anti-cargo-heisting media have to say about Julio Nivelo. It’s been three months since the heist. You and the rest of the anti-heisters didn’t get your fucking gold flakes. Get over it.

No legacy influence my ass.