
That stuff didn’t really bug me because the score was so beautiful and it added to the richness of the world they were creating.

There were also some pretty badass women who fucked shit up in that movie so it wasn’t all just sexual shit.

It’s excellent. Surprisingly, it didn’t feel too long. The pacing was spot on and the world they created was to rich.

I saw it over the weekend and was expecting to feel antsy by the 2 hour mark. But surprisingly, I was totally engaged the entire 2:44. It was long, but didn’t feel long. It was a spectacular film.

Not too chunky to be real coke (not that I’d know anything about that).

I hear ya.

My dad came of age in the 60s and 70s and he has never once felt the compulsion to act like a fucking asshole. I mean maybe he felt like it a few times (you never know), but he never acted on those feelings.

“...the FBI was seemingly more concerned about how angry people of color are in America.”

It’s not that expensive when you add up the hours of entertainment you get. For instance, movie tickets are $15-20 (at least where I live) and that’s for 90 minutes.

It’s not that expensive when you add up the hours of entertainment you get. For instance, movie tickets are $15-20

As a jew I love seeing swastikas (and nazis) getting obliterated. I actually don’t think we should be afraid to show swastikas. Trying to sweep evil under the rug because people are afraid to be “triggered” or whatever is lazy and dangerous. We should never ever forget what Hitler did and we should never ever be

To all the weirdo contrarians who have a problem with this marketing campaign, I ask you this. Since when is being “anti-nazi” a controversial political belief?

Yes! The lines in your face tell your story!


Exactly! Balding is like a scandal! If you embrace it and just roll with it, nobody gives a shit. But if you try to cover it up...

What’s wrong with balding? Not like he can control that. But he can control how fit he is.

Not sure sharing logins really affects NFLX’s bottom line that much in the grand scheme. They’re playing the long game.

Obviously, these “bump stocks” are ridiculous and should be banned for obvious reasons.

Ah, testing... How I loathe thee.

Not sure it helps at this point, since the deadline is so close, but I know some people who took advantage of this:

Wouldn’t a 50/50 split be more fair?