
Marc Maron IS the perfect man.

Like the estate tax, the mortgage deduction should be done away with. It will sting for a minute, but then home prices would come down to a reasonable level and people will actually have MORE money to use toward their homes and garages.

Yep. As a Republican, all you need to do is make sure all the dopes drinking their lives away at the local watering hole think taxes are gonna go down.

Dammit. Looks boring.

I hired a consultant to help me set it up. We were doing a remodel and decided that was a good time to do all the wiring so it’s completely hardwired. No wireless. The security system portion of the remodel, including the wiring, consultant fee, equipment, etc. cost about $12k.

He’s also SUPER afraid of vaginas.

As an ex-evangelical, I support this spot-on article and attest to it’s accuracy.

Yeah! We need to go park an aircraft carrier off the coast and start shuttling supplies in. Also, those ships have great hospitals and an unlimited supply of power.

This is why I have cameras at all access points to my property that are recording 24/7 and the video is automatically uploaded to offsite servers as well as dumping to a local hardrive that’s locked in a tough to get to spot in the house. If anybody pulled something like this there would be HD evidence of their crimes.

Come see my new band this weekend....Ambiguous Genitalia

It’s not called the “Inner City” anymore now that white people are back. Now it’s to be called “Investment Oppor-TOONE-ity”

Now’s the time to start buying up real estate in Puerto Rico. Think of the PROFITS!!!!!

No joke. My wife recently spent $50 for a pair of toddler Nikes for my 1 year old daughter. At first I was super pissed that she’d waste money like that. But then my daughter made a break-away slam dunk on her sister and it was so cute I forgot to be mad.

Generally speaking, the bigger your gun the smaller your dick. Same thing goes for trucks.

This is a fucking stupid idea. As technology improves and electric vehicles become cheaper, all (or the VAST majority of) those combustion engines will disappear eventually anyway.

He and Richard Dreyfuss look like the same exact person these days.

Brain damage from drugs and probably a lifetime of abuse.

That little boy was more of a man than most grown men. Such a horrible story.

Iowa. Where you constantly see people driving and tossing beer cans out the window. True fucking story.