Brent Bowen

Can I just repeat again that Andromeda Spaceways was never contacted and our permission sought. When Sasquan contacted us to let us know we'd been short-listed and asked us if we'd accept that honour, we thought yes! No-one on the team at that point had even heard of SP. But now we know why we were short-listed...

Ditto for Andromeda Spaceways (I'm one of the collective).

Andromeda Spaceways too - it's embarrassing for us to have gotten on the ballot this way, not on our merits, which are likely to be overlooked now.

The only Hugo that deserves an award.

Matthew Surridge wrote a long post about why he's declining a Hugo nomination. He explains that if he's been asked, he'd have told them to take him off the ballot. He wasn't asked.

Thanks for the clarification! That's too bad. It sounds like some parties involved with the SP slate put out that they contacted all their nominees when that was far from true.

If it helps, I've given a lot of weight to the Goodreads awards as a way to boost my reading list.

For those who might be interested in actually participating in the process, instead of kvetching from the sidelines: https://sasquan.swoc.us/sasquan/reg.ph… Price of a supporting/voting (ie, not attending) membership to World Con is $40. This lets you vote this year, nominate next year, and (typically) lets you

Thanks for this take, Charlie. There have always been politics in the award, this year's is NOTHING but Politics.

I am not in the groups that get together and logroll nominees onto the ballots in secret. Whether they exist or not, the Sad Puppies have decided to do so in public, and an entire ballot's worth. And